DRAFT Ordinary Meeting Minutes

Held on Wednesday 14 August 2024

at Council Chambers, Biamanga Room Bega Valley Commemorative Civic Centre Bega commencing at 2:00pm



Cr Russell Fitzpatrick, Mayor

Cr Cathy Griff, Deputy Mayor

Cr Tony Allen

Cr Mitchell Nadin

Cr Helen O’Neil

Cr David Porter

Cr Joy Robin

Cr Liz Seckold

Cr Karen Wright


 In Attendance

Chief Executive Officer, Mr Anthony McMahon

Director, Assets and Operations, Mr Ian Macfarlane

Director,  Community, Environment and Planning, Mrs Emily Harrison

Director, Business and Governance, Mrs Iliada Bolton

Manager Communications and Engagement, Ms Kellie Dodge

Executive Officer (Minute Secretary), Mrs Jackie Grant



Statement of Commencement of Live Streaming

The Mayor made an announcement about live streaming requirements:

Council meetings are recorded and live streamed to the Internet for public viewing. 

The recording will be archived and made available on Council’s website www.begavalley.nsw.gov.au.

Acknowledgement of Traditional Custodians of Bega Valley Shire

The Mayor commenced by acknowledging, On behalf of Bega Valley Shire Council, I would like to acknowledge and pay our respects to the traditional custodians of the lands, waterways and airspace on which we are gathering.

Statement of Ethical Obligations

The Mayor and Councillors are reminded that they remain bound by the Oath/Affirmation of Office made at the start of the council term to undertake their civic duties in the best interests of the people of Bega Valley Shire and to faithfully and impartially carry out the functions, powers, authorities and discretions vested in them under the Local Government Act or any other Act, to the best of their skill and judgement.

The Mayor and Councillors are also reminded of the requirement for disclosure of conflicts of interest in relation to items listed for consideration on the Agenda or which are considered at this meeting in accordance with the Code of Conduct and Code of Meeting Practice.





There were no apologies.




Confirmation of Minutes


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Allen and Seckold

That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting and Closed session held on 24 July 2024 as circulated, be taken as read and confirmed.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil



3.          Declarations

There were no declarations of interests

4.          Public Forum

The following deputations were heard:

Item 8.1 – Eden Gateway Development update

·         Ms Carina Severs on behalf of Eden Community Access Centre Inc. – AGANST

Item 9.1 - Adoption of Bega Valley Shire Active Transport Strategy

·         Ms Jan Lynch on behalf of Bega Tathra Safe Ride Inc. – FOR

·         Mr Peter McLean on behalf of Bicycle NSW – FOR

Item 9.2 - Merimbula Skatepark - Concept Design

·         Mr Peter O’Keefe on behalf of Sapphire Coast Skatepark Association - FOR

Item 13.1 – Electric vehicle charging stations

·         Mr David Neyle – Self - FOR

5.                 Petitions

There were no petitions.

6.          Mayoral Minutes

 There were no mayoral minutes.

7.          Urgent Business

There was no urgent business.


Movement of Assets and Operations Staff reports - Items 9.1 to 9.11


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Allen and Nadin

That items 9.1 to 9.11 be moved forward ahead of Staff reports – Community, Environment and Planning

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil


9.          Staff Reports – Assets and Operations


Adoption of Bega Valley Shire Active Transport Strategy


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Griff and O'Neil

1.    That Council resolve to adopt the attached Bega Valley Shire Active Transport Strategy.

2.    That the Bega Valley Shire Active Transport Strategy be made publicly available

3.    That a staff working group (convened as per Strategy 6) compiles a list of         priority projects annually for inclusion in the Operational Plan, and identifies grant funding         opportunities to enable ‘shovel ready’ projects to be developed.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil



Merimbula Skatepark - Concept Design


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Nadin and Wright

1.    That Council receive and note the information in the report and attachment, including responses and feedback received during the consultation process.

2.    That Council endorses the attached Concept Design (Revision D) for Merimbula Skatepark and progresses to detailed design for procurement and construction.

3.    That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to endorse amendments to the design to benefit the project and fit within the project budget if required.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil


02:40 pm      Cr Nadin left the meeting.

02:43 pm      Cr Nadin returned to the meeting.



Request for Tender (RFT) 2324-054 Wallaga Lake Koori Village Water and Sewerage Operations and Maintenance


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs O'Neil and Allen

1.    That Council agrees to re-enter into the ACWSP five (5) year service agreement.

2.    That Council accept the recommendations outlined in the attached confidential memo.

3.    That Council accepts the tender from TTF Betto Boys Family Trust in relation to the works         described in RFT 2324-051 in the amount of $159,474.00 (incl. GST), subject to variations,         provisional sums, and prime cost items.

4.    That authority be delegated to the CEO to execute all necessary documentation.

5.    That all tenders be advised of Council’s decision.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil



Request for Tender (RFT) 2324-092 Option concept design for Bega and Merimbula sewerage treatment plant (STP) upgrades


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Seckold and O'Neil

1.    That Council accepts the recommendation outlined in the confidential attachment.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Seckold and O'Neil

2.    That Council accepts the tender from Beca Hunt H20 in relation to the contract for the works         described in RFT 2324-092, for a ceiling amount of $455,568.00 (incl GST) subject to         variations and provisional sums.

3.    That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to execute all necessary         documentation.

4.    That all tenderers be advised of Council’s decision. 

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil



Request for Tender (RFT) 2324-034  Upgrade of Bega Valley Shire Council Bulk Water Fill Stations


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Allen and Seckold

1.    That Council accept the recommendations outlined in the confidential attachment.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Allen and Seckold

2.    That Council rejects all tenders under clause 178 of the Local Government (General)         Regulation 2021 and enter into negotiations with the preferred tenderer, with the intention         to award a contract, subject to variations and provisional sums.

3.    That authority is delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to execute all necessary         documentation.

4.    That all tenderers are advised of Council’s decision.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil



Request for Tender (RFT) 2324-060 Bermagui Indoor Stadium Upgrade


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Allen and Nadin

1.    That Council accepts the recommendations outlined in the confidential attachment.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Allen and Nadin

2.    That Council accepts the tender from Bega Valley Construction Pty Ltd in relation to the         contract for the works described in the tender RFT 2324-060, in the amount of $492,129.00         (including GST).

3.    That variations and amendments be managed under the existing BVSC financial delegations.

4.    That authority be delegated to the CEO to execute all necessary documentation.

5.    That all tenderers be advised of Councils decision.  

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil



Request for Tender (RFT) 2324-071 Old Wallagoot Road DRFA Works


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Allen and O'Neil

1.    That Council accept the recommendations in the attached confidential attachment.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Allen and O'Neil

2.    That Council reject all tenders in relation to contract for the works described in Tender RFT 2324-071 with the intention of returning to market following rescoping of the project.

3.    That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to execute all necessary documentation.

4.    That all tenderers be advised of Council’s decision.

 In favour:            Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil



Request for Tender (RFT) 2324-094 Panel for Hire of Plant Equipment


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs O'Neil and Griff

1.    That Council accept the recommendations outlined in the Confidential memo.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs O'Neil and Griff

2.    That Council appoint all compliant tenders received in relation to the services described in         RFT 2324-094 Panel for Hire of Plant and Equipment.

·         Ag & Earth Pty Ltd

·         Alinta Earthworx Pty Ltd

·         Allcot Hire Pty Ltd

·         Allison Earthworks And Haulage Pty Ltd

·         A-Plant Equipment Pty Ltd

·         AW Dummett Pty Ltd

·         Bizz's Farm Forestry & Civil Contracting Pty Ltd

·         Brooks Hire Service Pty Ltd

·         Civil Construction Hire Pty Ltd

·         Coates hire operations pty limited

·         Conplant Pty Ltd

·         Dlm Plant Hire Pty Ltd

·         Jennings Civil Group Pty Ltd

·         John Michelin & Son Pty Ltd

·         Kennards Hire Pty Limited

·         Lee's Excavator Hire Pty Ltd

·         Louis Geraets Pty Ltd

·         Moon's Earthworks Pty Ltd

·         Road Verge Trimming Rvt Pty Ltd

·         Roadworx Surfacing Pty Ltd

·         Rollers Australia Pty Limited

·         Sapphire coast excavations

·         Sapphire coast tree service & tower hire

·         Solution Plant Hire Pty Limited

·         South Coast Contracting & Hire Pty Ltd

·         South East Civil & Crane

·         Stabilco Pty Ltd

·         Stone's Forestry Contracting Pty Ltd

·         The Stabilising Pty Ltd

·         WesTrac Pty Ltd

3.    That Council delegate the Chief Executive Officer the authority to execute all necessary         documentation.

4.    That all tenderers are advised of Council’s decision.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil



Request for Tender (RFT) 2324-052– Stormwater CCTV annual program


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Allen and Seckold

1.     That Council accepts the recommendations outlined in the confidential attachment.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Allen and Seckold

2.     That Council accepts the tender from TDM Pipeline Solutions Pty Ltd in relation to contract         for the works described in Tender RFT 2324-052, for the ceiling amount of $157,267.00       (excluding GST), subject       to variations.

3.     That variations and amendments to the contract be managed under the existing Council             financial delegations.

4.     That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to execute all necessary         documentation.

5.     That all tenderers be advised of Council’s decision.

 In favour:            Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil



Request for Tender (RFT) 2324-067 Project Management and Contract Administration (PMCA) for Cuttagee Bridge Repair and Restoration


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Allen and Nadin

1.    That Council accepts the recommendations as outlined in the confidential attachment.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Allen and Nadin

2.    That Council accepts the tender from GHD Pty Ltd in relation to contract for the works         described in Tender RFT 2324-067, in the amount of $699,718.00 (including GST), subject to         variations and provisional sums.

3.    That authority is delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to execute all necessary         documentation.

4.    That all tenderers be advised of Council’s decision.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil



Memorandum of Understanding with Essential Energy- Management of vegetation near powerlines


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Allen and Nadin

That Council endorse the attached Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Bega Valley Shire Council and Essential Energy for the management of vegetation near network assets (powerlines).

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil





That the meeting be adjourned for 5 minutes.


03:12pm      The ordinary meeting was adjourned.

The recording of the meeting ceased for the period of adjournment.

03:18pm      Director Assets and Operations, Mr Ian Macfarlane left the meeting.

03:20pm      The ordinary meeting was reconvened.

Statement of Re-Commencement of Live Streaming

The Chairperson advised that the recording of the Council Meeting would recommence and reminded those present that Council meetings are recorded and live streamed to the Internet for public viewing.

8.          Staff Reports – Community, Environment and Planning


Eden Gateway Development update


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs O'Neil and Robin

1.    That Council notes the request from the Eden Community Access Centre seeking a Council         decision to move the project to a ‘shovel ready’ stage including community consultation to         refine a proposed design option based on a substantial expansion of the site to include a         community hub which could incorporate a child care centre

 2.   That Council notes there is no current budget allocation for the Eden Gateway Centre         redevelopment in the FY25 Budget to progress the current design options, however it is         resourced to compile options for the urgently needed extension of children’s services         including in Eden

3.    That Council further investigates the highest public value use of the council owned land on         the corner of Mitchell and Imlay Streets in Eden, including an assessment of the suitability of         the land for a community hub,  early childhood education and care and also for housing

4.    That Council notes a report will be brought back to Council on the results of the         investigations and their impact on further development and design of the Gateway Centre         with a view to seeking approval for an appropriate budget allocation to allow the project to         progress

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil




70 Lot Subdivision in 3 Stages - Lot 510 DP 877207, 26 Princes Highway - South Pambula


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Nadin and O'Neil

1.    That Council accept the proposed dedication of land as Public Reserve as indicated in the subdivision plan provided as Attachment 1.

2.    That Council notes its intention to classify the land proposed for dedication as community land under Section 31 the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

3.    That Development Application 2021.157 for the subdivision of land to create 70 lots and creation of public reserve be approved, subject to the draft conditions of consent provided in Attachment 3.

4.    That those parties who made a submission be advised of Council’s decision.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil




Affordable Housing Strategy implementation progress report


A motion was moved by Crs Griff and O’Neil

That Council:

1.    Note the progress made in implementing the Bega Valley Shire Affordable Housing Strategy in the period 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024.

2.    Retain the current meeting schedule of quarterly for the Affordable Housing Strategy Implementation Advisory Group.

A motion was foreshadowed by Cr Allen

1.    Note the progress made in implementing the Bega Valley Shire Affordable Housing Strategy in the period 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024.

2.    Endorse an update to the Affordable Housing Implementation Group Terms of Reference to change the meeting frequency to twice per year to align with the  6-monthly progress reporting to Council.

The motion was put to the vote and it was CARRIED

In favour:             Crs Griff, Seckold, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Allen and Porter



RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Griff and O'Neil

That Council:

1.    Note the progress made in implementing the Bega Valley Shire Affordable Housing Strategy in the period 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024.

2.    Retain the current meeting schedule of quarterly for the Affordable Housing Strategy Implementation Advisory Group.

In favour:             Crs Griff, Seckold, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Allen and Porter




Adoption of the Arts and Culture Plan 2024/25 - 2029/30


A motion was moved by Crs O’Neil and Griff

1.    That Council resolve to adopt the Arts and Culture Plan 2024/25 – 2029/30 as amended following public exhibition (Attachment 1).

2.    That Council note the feedback received during public exhibition (Attachment 3).

3.    That those who made submissions to the draft Arts and Culture Plan 2024/25 – 2029/30 be         notified of Council’s decision.

4.    That Council thanks South East Arts for its work in assisting the development of the Arts and         Culture Strategy,  notes its essential role in the cultural expression and creative industries of         the Bega Valley, and the continuing high value of the regional arts development organisations     in assisting regional local governments across NSW.

An amendment was proposed by Griff

The amendment was accepted by Cr O’Neil

1.    That Council resolve to adopt the Arts and Culture Plan 2024/25 – 2029/30 as amended following public exhibition (Attachment 1).

2.    That Council note the feedback received during public exhibition (Attachment 3).

3.    That those who made submissions to the draft Arts and Culture Plan 2024/25 – 2029/30 be         notified of Council’s decision.

4.    That Council thanks South East Arts for its work in assisting the development of the Arts and         Culture Strategy,  notes its essential role in the cultural expression and creative industries of         the Bega Valley, and the continuing high value of the regional arts development organisations     in assisting regional local governments across NSW.

5.    That council encourage cultural event hosts to provide Council with information on outcomes         including cultural tourism audience data

The motion was put to the vote and it was CARRIED

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs O'Neil and Griff

1.    That Council resolve to adopt the Arts and Culture Plan 2024/25 – 2029/30 as amended following public exhibition (Attachment 1).

2.    That Council note the feedback received during public exhibition (Attachment 3).

3.    That those who made submissions to the draft Arts and Culture Plan 2024/25 – 2029/30 be         notified of Council’s decision.

4.    That Council thanks South East Arts for its work in assisting the development of the Arts and         Culture Strategy,  notes its essential role in the cultural expression and creative industries of         the Bega Valley, and the continuing high value of the regional arts development organisations     in assisting regional local governments across NSW.

5.    That council encourage cultural event hosts to provide Council with information on outcomes         including cultural tourism audience data  

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil


04:51 pm      Cr Nadin left the meeting.

04:54 pm      Cr Nadin returned to the meeting.



Adoption of Draft Local Infrastructure Contribution Plan, Voluntary Planning Agreement policy and procedure


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Griff and O'Neil

1.    That Council resolve to adopt the Local Infrastructure Contribution Plan, draft Voluntary         Planning Agreements Policy and Steps in negotiation of a Voluntary Planning Agreement         Procedure (Attachments 1, 2 and 3) as amended after public exhibition and publish to         Council’s website. 

2.    That changes to the description of bridges listed in the schedule occur to refer to them as         'renewals and improvements' rather than the specific technical solution at each location.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil




Draft Merimbula and Back Lake Coastal Management Program


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Robin and O'Neil

1.    That Council resolves to publicly exhibit the Draft Merimbula and Back Lake Coastal Management Program (Attachments 1-3) for a period of not less than 28 days, noting that public exhibition will not commence until after the NSW local government election caretaker period expires.

2.    That a further report be presented to Council if there are any substantial changes to the draft management program arising from the public exhibition.

3.    That if there are no substantial changes arising from the public exhibition, that staff progress the draft Coastal Management Program for Merimbula and Back Lake to finalisation and certification without a further report to Council.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil


10.        Staff Reports – Business and Governance



Carry Forwards and Revotes at End of Financial Year 2024


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Nadin and Allen

That Council:

1.    Receive and note the Financial Year 2024 carry forward projects and;

2.    Resolve to revote the budget allocation detailed in this report for projects not commenced. The allocation is to be moved from FY2024 budget and applied to the corresponding budget in FY2025.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil




Certificate of Investment July 2024


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Allen and Wright

1.    That Council receive and note the report on Council’s investment position at 31 July 2024.

2.    That Council notes the certification of the Responsible Accounting Officer.

3.    That council receive and note the review of investment policy 6.07 undertaken by the finance team and endorse the policy to be updated at item 4.1.8 Credit quality and Counterparty limits, maximum % of total investments in A category from 40% to 70% acknowledging ratings agency Standard & Poor’s upgraded long-term credit ratings.

4.    That the Investment policy 6.07 be placed on public exhibition after the conclusion of the caretaker period and that a further report be presented to Council on any submissions received, or if no submissions are received, the exhibited policy be adopted and published on Council’s website.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil


05:05 pm      Cr Robin left the meeting.



Report on implementation of Council's Operational Plan


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Allen and Seckold

That Council:

1.    Receive and note the 2023-24 Operational Plan progress report for the period 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024 and,

2.    Publish the attached progress report and corporate measures on Council’s website.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil and Wright

Against:                  Nil

Absent:                    Cr Robin


05:07 pm      Cr Robin returned to the meeting.



Proposed road names for future use within the shire


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Porter and Griff

1.    That Council receive and note the report.

2.    That Council approves the proposed road name suggestions outlined in the background section of the report dated 14 August 2024 for pre-approval and reservation for future use within the shire.

3.    That Council maintains an ongoing process of receiving road name suggestions from the public.

4.    That road name suggestions be reported to Council annually or as part of other road naming requests that require Council approval to ensure continuous replenishment of the road name register.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil




Road Closure - DA 2020.310 at Boydtown


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Nadin and Allen

1.    That Council approves, in principle, the part closing and part reopening of Council road reserve shown in the diagrams in the background section of the report to Council dated 14 August 2024.

2.    That Council commences assessment of the road closure application under Division 3 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW) and that the proposal be publicly advertised for a period of 28 days.

3.    That if any objections are received, a further report be prepared for Council’s consideration.

4.    That if no objections are received, Council, by notice published in the Government Gazette, formally close the public road reserve concerned.

5.    That the Chief Executive Officer and Mayor be authorised to execute the necessary documentation to affect the road closure and subsequent land swap with the applicant for the creation of a new Ben Boyd Parade, Boydtown road reserve for nil compensation.

6.    That all costs associated with the road closure/opening process be borne by the applicant.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil




Community Project Proposal - Eden Killer Whale Museum


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs O'Neil and Robin

1.    That Council delegates authority to the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate with the Eden Killer Whale Museum Management Committee Incorporated regarding landowners’ consent for construction of a new boat shed or structure on Council Managed Crown Land being Lot 1 Section 6 DP 758379.

2.    That Eden Killer Whale Museum Management Committee Incorporated are responsible for all costs associated with the proposal, including a Native Title due diligence assessment in relation to any public work required on Lot 1 Section 6 DP 758379.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil




Adoption of Policy 6.23 - Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities to Councillors


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Allen and Nadin

1.    That Council receive and note the update to section 4.2.1 of Policy 6.23 Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities for Councillors and the policy be exhibited for a period of at least 28 days and that submissions be received for 42 days.

2.    That the exhibition period to commence after the conclusion of the caretaker period on 13 September 2024.

3.    That a further report be presented to Council on any submissions received, or if no submissions are received, the exhibited policy be adopted and published on Council’s website.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil




Reporting of minutes for committees with delegated authority and advisory committees


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Allen and Seckold

That Council receive and note the Grants Committee minutes of meeting held 19 June 2024 attached to this report.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil


11.        Councillor Reports

There were no Councillor reports.

12.        Rescission/Alteration Motions

There were no rescission/alteration reports.

13.        Notices of Motion



Electric vehicle charging stations


A motion was moved by Crs Griff and O’Neil


1.    Staff progress Council’s 18 January 2023 resolution on electric vehicle charging stations and that,

2.    Council aim to host electric vehicle charging stations on at least one or more new sites on Council owned or managed land.

3.    Council endeavor to lodge an application to the third round of NSW fast charging grants         currently open; closing on 3 October 2024 (seeking the advice offered by Eurobodalla Shire)

A motion was foreshadowed by Cr Fitzpatrick

That this report be deferred to the new Council with staff to provide options ,costs and availability of services

The motion was put to the vote and it was LOST

In favour:             Crs Griff, Seckold, O'Neil and Robin

Against:                  Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Allen, Porter and Wright


The foreshadowed motion became the motion and was moved by Cr Fitzpatrick and seconded by Cr Nadin:

That this report be deferred to the new Council with staff to provide options ,costs and availability of services

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Fitzpatrick and Nadin

That this report be deferred to the new Council with staff to provide options ,costs and availability of services

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil

05:40 pm      Cr Griff left the meeting.

05:42 pm      Cr Griff returned to the meeting.



Children’s Services land acquisition reserve


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Nadin and Porter

That Council places the proceeds from the sale of the Bega Valley Regional Learning Centre into an internally restricted reserve to be used to support the future expansion of Council’s Children’s Services.

In favour:             Crs Nadin, Porter and Wright

Against:                  Crs Fitzpatrick, Griff, Seckold, Allen, O'Neil and Robin




Removal of dedicated Parking Officer function


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Porter and Nadin

That council review the dedicated parking officer function to ensure it aligns with councils community strategic values and report back to Council.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil


14.        Questions with Notice

There were no questions with notice.

15.        Questions without Notice



Cr Griff - Could Staff provide some information about the dangers and risks related to silica dust in quarrying?


A response to Cr Griff Question without Notice was provided in the Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda of 14 August 2024 with the response as follows:

Council is not the Appropriate Regulatory Authority (ARA) for the control of silica dust in quarrying.

Further information can be sourced from NSW Health, Safework NSW and the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA), however, the dangers and risks related to human respirable crystalline silica (silica dust) exposure over time are well documented.

NSW Health’s website provides the most up to date information on silicosis with the Silicosis Control Guideline.  

Safework Australia’s website details construction work activities that can generate silica dust, the current workplace exposure standard for silica dust, and a workplace’s WHS obligations to remove or mitigate the exposure risk.

In assessing Development Applications for dust generating activities (such as quarrying), Council must consider the matters listed under section 4.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. As part of this process, external referrals are made to NSW Government agencies for expert advice, including bodies such as the EPA. This advice guides Council’s assessment and in some cases, identifies specific conditions that need to be included in the development consent.

Risks, including health or environmental risks, can therefore be addressed through requests for further information, investigation, management plans or design at assessment stage, and through specific consent conditions if the application is approved.


Valedictory speeches were received from:

·         Cr Karen Wright

·         Cr Liz Seckold

·         Cr Joy Robin

·         Cr Cathy Griff


16.        Confidential Business


Adjournment Into Closed Session


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Allen and Wright

1.    That Council resolve to adjourn into Closed Session to discuss the following confidential items:

16.1    Chief Executive Officer Performance Agreement - 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2025

Reason for Confidentiality

This item is classified CONFIDENTIAL under the provisions of Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to (a) personnel matters concerning particular individuals.

2.    That pursuant to Section 10A of the Local Government 1993, the press and public be excluded from the proceedings on the basis that the business to be considered is classified confidential under the provisions of Section 10A(2) of the Act as outlined above.

3.    That the correspondence and reports relevant to the subject business be withheld from access to the press and public as required by the Local Government Act 1993, Section 11(2).

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil


6:16 pm       The Ordinary Meeting was adjourned.

The recording of the meeting ceased for the period of the Closed Session of Council.

6:17 pm       The following persons left the chamber for Item 16.1 Chief Executive Officer Performance Agreement - 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2025

·         Chief Executive Officer, Mr Anthony McMahon

·         Director Business and Governance, Mrs Iliada Bolton

·         Director Community, Environment and Planning, Mrs Emily Harrison

·         Manager Communications and Engagement, Ms Kellie Dodge

6:18 pm       The Confidential Closed Session meeting commenced.

6:19 pm       The Confidential Closed Session meeting concluded.

6:20 pm       The Ordinary meeting was reconvened.

Statement of Re-Commencement of Live Streaming

The Chairperson advised that the recording of the Council Meeting would recommence and reminded those present that Council meetings are recorded and live streamed to the Internet for public viewing.

17.        Noting of Resolutions from Closed Session

Council made the below resolution in closed session.


16.1 Chief Executive Officer Performance Agreement - 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2025


RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Nadin and O'Neil

Council endorsed the resolution of closed session in relation to Item 16.1.

In favour:             Crs Fitzpatrick, Nadin, Griff, Seckold, Allen, Porter, O'Neil, Robin and Wright

Against:                  Nil


18.        Declassification of reports considered previously in closed session

There were no declassification of reports considered previously in closed session.


There being no further business, the Chairperson closed the meeting at 6:23 pm.



Chairperson of the meeting of the Bega Valley Shire Council held on Wednesday, 14 August 2024.