

An Extraordinary Meeting of the Bega Valley Shire Council will be held at Council Chambers, Bega on Wednesday, 18 December 2013 commencing at 10.00 am to consider and resolve on the matters set out in the attached Agenda.

Leanne Barnes

Acting General Manager



13 December 2013



Cr Bill Taylor, Mayor

Cr Russell Fitzpatrick, Deputy Mayor

Cr Tony Allen

Cr Michael Britten

Cr Keith Hughes

Cr Ann Mawhinney

Cr Kristy McBain

Cr Liz Seckold

Cr Sharon Tapscott


Acting General Manager, Ms Leanne Barnes

Group Manager Infrastructure, Waste and Water, Mr Wayne Sartori

Group Manager Planning and Environment, Mr Andrew Woodley

Acting Group Manager Community and Relationships, Mr Simon Schweitzer

Business and Technology Manager, Mr Lucas Scarpin

Workforce and Administration, Manager
Ms Nina Churchward

Minute Secretary





The Agendas for Council Meetings and Council Reports for each meeting are available from 5.00 pm one week prior to each Ordinary Meeting, on Council’s website.  A hard copy is also made available to each Library Branch and at the Bega Administration Building reception desk.

The Minutes of Committee and Council Meetings are available from 5.00pm on Council's Web Site on the Friday after the Meeting on Councils website and hard copies distributed with the Agenda for the following meeting.

1.      Please be aware that the recommendations in the Council Meeting Agenda are recommendations to the Council for consideration.  They are not the resolutions (decisions) of Council.

2.      Background for reports is provided by staff to the General Manager for his presentation to Council.

3.      The Council may adopt these recommendations, amend the recommendations, determine a completely different course of action, or it may decline to pursue any course of action.

4.      The decision of the Council becomes the resolution of the Council, and is recorded in the Minutes of that meeting.

5.      The Minutes of each Council meeting are published in draft format, and are confirmed, with amendments by Councillors if necessary, at the next available Council Meeting.

If you require any further information or clarification regarding a report to Counci, please contact Council’s Executive Assistant who can provide you with the appropriate contact details

         Phone (6499 2104) or email execassist@begavalley.nsw.gov.au.



Ethical decision making

Is the decision or conduct legal?

Is it consistent with Government policy, Council’s objectives and Code of Conduct?

What will the outcome be for you, your colleagues, the Council, anyone else?

Does it raise a conflict of interest?

Do you stand to gain personally at public expense?

Can the decision be justified in terms of public interest?

Would it withstand public scrutiny?

Conflict of interest

A conflict of interest is a clash between private interest and public duty. There are two types of conflict:

Pecuniary – regulated by the Local Government Act and Department of Local Government

Non-pecuniary – regulated by Codes of Conduct and policy. ICAC, Ombudsman, Department of Local Government (advice only).  If declaring a Non-Pecuniary Conflict of Interest, Councillors can choose to either disclose and vote, disclose and not vote or leave the Chamber.

The test for conflict of interest

Is it likely I could be influenced by personal interest in carrying out my public duty?

Would a fair and reasonable person believe I could be so influenced?

Conflict of interest is closely tied to the layperson’s definition of ‘corruption’ – using public office for private gain.

Important to consider public perceptions of whether you have a conflict of interest.

Identifying problems

1st     Do I have private interests affected by a matter I am officially involved in?

2nd    Is my official role one of influence or perceived influence over the matter?

3rd    Do my private interests conflict with my official role?


Whilst seeking advice is generally useful, the ultimate decision rests with the person concerned.

Agency advice

Officers of the following agencies are available during office hours to discuss the obligations placed on Councillors, officers and community committee members by various pieces of legislation, regulation and codes.





Bega Valley Shire Council

(02) 6499 2222




8281 5999

Toll Free 1800 463 909



Division of Local Government (DPC)

(02) 4428 4100



NSW Ombudsman

(02) 8286 1000

Toll Free 1800 451 524




TO:   The General Manager
Bega Valley Shire Council


Disclosure of pecuniary interests / non-pecuniary conflict of interests

In accordance with the Council’s Code of Meeting Practice and the requirements of the Local Government Act  and regulations or dispensation issued by the Division of Local Government  I hereby disclose the following pecuniary interests and/or non-pecuniary conflict of interests at the meeting as indicated below:

Ordinary meeting held on _____ / _____ / 20___

dd               mm                  yy


Item no & subject



Interest (tick one)

Pecuniary interest                                    Non-pecuniary conflict of interest


* Nature of interest



If Non-pecuniary  (tick one)

 Disclose & vote        Disclose & not vote          Leave chamber





Item no & subject



Interest (tick one)

Pecuniary interest                                    Non-pecuniary conflict of interest


* Nature of interest



If Non-pecuniary  (tick one)

 Disclose & vote        Disclose & not vote          Leave chamber







Print Name



*  Note:   Under the provisions of Section 451(1) of the Local Government Act 1993 (pecuniary interests) and Part 6.11 of the Model Code of Conduct prescribed by the Local Government (Discipline) Regulation 2004 (conflict of interests) it is necessary for you to disclose the nature of the interest when making a disclosure of a pecuniary interest or a non-pecuniary conflict of interest at a meeting.



Extraordinary Council                                                                       18 December 2013



1     Apologies and requests for leave of absence


2     Declarations

Pecuniary, Non-Pecuniary and Political Donation Disclosures to be declared and tabled.

3     Staff Reports – Leading Organisation

In accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, this section of the agenda will be chaired by Councillor Surname

3.1              General Manager's Conditions of Employment procedure      ............. 7      

4.... Confidential Business 


Adjournment Into Closed Session.............................................................. 11

4.1              Appointment of General Manager

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (a) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains personnel matters concerning particular individuals.


5     Adoption of reports from Closed Session

6     Resolutions to declassify reports considered in closed session




Extraordinary Council                                                                       18 December 2013


staff reports – leading organisation (governance and strategy)


18 December 2013

In accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice (2011), this section of the agenda will be chaired by Councillor Mawhinney.  

3.1           General Manager's Conditions of Employment procedure      ........ 7

Extraordinary Council 18 December 2013                                                   Item 3.1


3.1.          General Manager's Conditions of Employment procedure            


The General Manager’s Conditions of Employment procedure provides direction regarding additional conditions that are available to the General Manager which are not included in the Division of Local Government (DLG) General Contract of Employment.


Workforce and Administration Manager   



The Division of Local Government and the Department of Premier and Cabinet provide direction regarding the employment of General Managers in their Guidelines for the Appointment and Oversight of General Managers. These are Director General’s Guidelines issued pursuant to section 23A of the Local Government Act 1993.

The Standard Contract of Employment for General Managers of Local Councils in New South Wales is inclusive of these Guidelines which outlines several conditions of employment.

Further to the conditions of employment set out in the contract; Council has adopted additional Procedures as part of its Terms and Conditions of Employment Policy 5.04 that are also relevant to the employment of the General Manager. This procedure has been developed to administer the additional conditions of employment for the General Manager.


The General Manager’s Conditions of Employment procedure will provide direction to administer the additional conditions made available to them as part of their employment with the Bega Valley Shire Council. This procedure requires formal adoption by Council prior to being made available to the successful candidate following the recruitment process.



1View. Procedure for General Manager Conditions of Employment



That Council endorses the General Manager’s Conditions of Employment procedure.


Extraordinary Council

18 December 2013

Item 3.1 - Attachment 1

Procedure for General Manager Conditions of Employment



Procedure 5.04.32

General Manager Conditions of Employment



Responsible Officer

Executive Assistant



Approved by Council


Next revision

12 months



The Division of Local Government and the Department of Premier and Cabinet provide direction regarding the employment of General Managers in their Guidelines for the Appointment and Oversight of General Managers. These are Director General’s Guidelines issued pursuant to section 23A of the Local Government Act 1993.

The Standard Contract of Employment for General Managers of Local Councils in New South Wales is inclusive of these Guidelines which outlines several conditions of employment including:

·   Term of employment

·   Renewal of appointment

·   Duties and functions

·   Performance agreement and review

·   Remuneration

·   Leave

·   Termination

·   Termination Payments

·   Expenses and credit cards

·   Intellectual property

·   Confidential information

Additional employment entitlements

Further to the conditions of employment set out in the contract; Council has adopted additional Procedures as part of the Terms and Conditions of Employment Policy 5.04 that are also relevant to the employment of the General Manager. These are:

·        Telephone expenses 1.2.1 (j)

The General Manager may be eligible to receive reimbursement of a landline telephone rental if they are able to demonstrate they reside in an area without an adequate mobile network signal.


·        Work Related Vehicle Management 1.3.3(r) http://www.begavalley.nsw.gov.au/Your_Council/Policies/procedures/1-3-3r.pdf

The General Manager is entitled to a Benefit Related Vehicles (BRVs) which can be exchanged for an allowance if they choose to use their own vehicle.

·        Relocation expenses 1.2.1(aj)


Reasonable expenses for the removal of furniture and effects on taking up an appointment may be paid by Council. Three quotations are to be submitted and the reimbursement will be based on the lowest quote. Fifty percent of any re-imbursement will be repayable to Council in the event that the employee terminates their employment within two years of commencement.


Council may subsidise accommodation rental expenses of up to $200 per week for a maximum period of six months. The amount and period of the subsidy is at the discretion of the Mayor.


·        Salary packaging 1.2.1 (at)

Salary packaging options are available to the General Manager. The salary packaging options are managed externally by EPAC. EPAC conduct information sessions regarding the approved items/products available for salary packaging, establishing, administration (including FBT) and monitoring of each individual employee’s salary packaging arrangement.

·        Provision of mobile phones and desktop/laptop computers and tablets

The General Manager will be provided with either a laptop or desktop and tablet with internet, email and business paper capacity and other support equipment such as printers. Applications that are placed on the tablets are to be authorised for corporate use.


Council can provide the General Manager with a mobile phone which includes payment of phone charges. This phone will not necessarily be a smart phone. If the General Manager would like to use their own phone they are able to do this under the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) procedure that Council has in place. Council will reimburse up to $80 per month of their phone contract.




Approval of additional employment conditions and contract of employment


Delegation for the negotiation, approval of additional employment conditions and the General Managers employment contract are held by the Mayor of the Bega Valley Shire Council.




Extraordinary Council                                                                       18 December 2013


Confidential Business

Adjournment Into Closed Session

In accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, in the opinion of the General manager, the following business is of a kind as referred to in Section 10A(2) of the Act, and should be dealt with in a Confidential Session of the Council meeting closed to the press and public.



That Council adjourn into Closed Session and members of the press and public be excluded from the meeting of the Closed Session, and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the Closed Session be withheld unless declassified by separate resolution. This action is taken in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act, 1993 as the items listed come within the following provisions:

4.1    Appointment of General Manager

Reason for Confidentiality

This item is classified CONFIDENTIAL under the provisions of Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to (a) the report contains personnel matters concerning particular individuals.